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Joint Tenancy

POD and TOD Account Disadvantages

September 18, 2022      by: tlaw

What are POD and TODs? They are an increasingly popular method of providing for the distribution of financial accounts at your death. They are helpful in certain situations; however, there are critical limitations and risks associated with using them.

Have Your Beneficiaries Been Reviewed Lately?

September 18, 2021      by: tlaw

There are various reasons why your listed beneficiaries might not fit your current intentions. It can also prove costly because of circumstances beyond your control.

Beneficiary: It’s Time to Update Yours

April 16, 2021      by: tlaw

A beneficiary is easy to name on a life insurance policy, deferred compensation account, or estate plan. However, those beneficiaries are often outdated, or through no fault of your own, they carry significant risk. Outdated Beneficiary Designations Having beneficiary names listed on policies and accounts that are no longer current to your wishes is more … Continue reading Beneficiary: It’s Time to Update Yours

"Lawyer meets with client for Living Trust signing on Zoom"

How Zoom Helps You Take Care of What’s Important

May 10, 2020      by: tlaw

There is good that comes from every challenging situation. Often, we have to let go of our resistance and take advantage of new opportunities. Most noteworthy, Zoom meetings are one of those opportunities.